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Cyber security alert
tnsolutionstnsolutions 30 Mar 2022 Uncategorized Cyber security alert
Following the recent (and tragic) international events and especially in relation to the current war between Russia and Ukraine, the ACN (National Cybersecurity Agency) and the CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) have issued a statement in which they invite to keep high the attention regarding cyber security. Textually, “is strongly renewed the recommendation to adopt high cyber defense measures and maximum internal controls for the protection of their own digital infrastructures” In the last days, the CSIRT had published a note regarding the discovery of HermeticWiper,...
TAGs: #alert #cyber-security

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IT support contracts
tnsolutionstnsolutions 29 Mar 2021 Hardware IT Security IT Support Networking Software IT support contracts
A software and hardware support contract is an agreement under which a company provides technical support and maintenance services for the customer’s IT devices (both on physical components and applications). A technical support contract covers a wide range of services: from a technology help desk to regular maintenance of computers and servers, telephone exchanges and services and software products. Among the services included there is also assistance for the installation of the equipment, for the configuration of the programs and for the resolution of any malfunctions that may occur. ...

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SMART WORKING: the new frontier of work
tnsolutionstnsolutions 23 Mar 2021 IT Security IT Support Networking Software SMART WORKING: the new frontier of work
In a world that is increasingly multimedia, virtual, digital and constantly connected, there is an always more common term: “smart working”.Also because of the close current events and specifically the latest events regarding the emergency Corona Virus, there has been much talk about this topic, although for many people the literal meaning may be easy to understand, what is it specifically? How best to implement it? And more importantly, why? Let's try to answer those questions... Smart working and telework TELEWORK AND SMART WORK First of all, a necessary premise, telework is...
TAGs: #smartwork #smartworking

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Office 365 for companies: which are the benefits?
tnsolutionstnsolutions 19 Mar 2021 IT Security Networking Software Office 365 for companies: which are the benefits?
Office 365: Business, Premium, Essentials, Apps Microsoft Office 365 is the most famous software used by the companies. It is a platform which contains Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point. Those programs are used for create, visualize, share and modify files wherever on every device. In Italy it is installed on 80% of computer and 82% of Italians say that if Office did not exist, they would be in serious trouble. This was revealed by the results of Doxa market research commissioned by Microsoft. Microsoft Office - a look at the tariffs Office 365 plans are different and adaptable to...
TAGs: #office #office365

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IT outsourcing: when outsourcing has its advantages
tnsolutionstnsolutions 13 Sep 2019 IT Support IT outsourcing: when outsourcing has its advantages
What is outsourcing? Nowadays, outsourcing is increasingly used in different business sectors around the world. Any company, even small ones, can outsource. What does outsourcing mean for companies? Outsourcing, or outsourcing a resource, means entrusting processes, tasks or internal projects to external service providers. The invention of this word dates back to the eighteenth century, in Italy it began to assert itself as an outsourcing towards the 80s when many agencies realized that it was necessary to invest and concentrate on the core business, simplifying business management. ...

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Network virtualization: optimization and reliability
tnsolutionstnsolutions 09 Aug 2019 Tips and tricks Network virtualization: optimization and reliability
Virtualization service: what is, how it works, advantages Virtualization is now an essential tool for managing and optimizing IT infrastructures that are made more reliable, efficient and above all scalable. The term means the possibility of abstracting from a server the real physical components (hardware) to make them usable in the form of virtual resources (software). A recent study has shown how the concept has evolved over time and how IT professionals have recognized the benefits of embracing a virtualization solution. How does virtualization work? Thanks to a software cal...

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tnsolutionstnsolutions 15 Jul 2019 Tips and tricks APACHE AND SSL: HTTPS CONFIGURATION
Apache and SSL certification Create a CSR and install your SSL certificate on your Ubuntu server with Apache 2 using OpenSSL. To use OpenSSL in order to create a CSR and then install the SSL certificate on the Ubuntu server with Apache2, use the instructions on this page.NB: after installing the SSL / TLS certificate and configuring the server to use it, you need to restart the Apache2 instance. For Apache instructions, see Apache: Create CSR and Install SSL Certificate (OpenSSL). For other instructions on the OS platform, see Creating a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). You can...

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Static IP on CentOS 7: how to configure it?
tnsolutionstnsolutions 28 Jun 2019 Tips and tricks Static IP on CentOS 7: how to configure it?
Static IP on CentOS 7 machine network interface There are several ways to configure a static IP address on a network interface in CentOS 7.Whoever, private, professional or company, needed to set a static IP address, will have the following guide. Consider connecting to a Linux CentOS 7 machine through the command lineyum install vimwe configure the network card of reference and to find it we executeip addr we will have the following example result: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000link/ether 08:00:27:0b:d5:2c brd ff:ff:ff...

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RAID level 0, 1, 5, 6 and 10: the choice of correct raid
tnsolutionstnsolutions 05 Jun 2019 IT Support RAID level 0, 1, 5, 6 and 10: the choice of correct raid
Raid level: what is it and how does it work? It allows to improve system performance and increase the security level of data storage, it’s RAID, not the famous anti-insect spray, but the acronym of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk (redundant set of independent disks). A method to manage data securely thanks to the use of two or more hard disks in parallel. By saving the same data on multiple disks, I/O operations (Input / Output) can overlap, thus ensuring an improvement in the performance of the system.There are different RAID levels, each optimized for a specific situation. It w...

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How to clear cache on a PC
tnsolutionstnsolutions 04 Jun 2019 IT Support How to clear cache on a PC
Clear cache and all data from Explorer, Chrome, Edge and memory A common problem, when surfing the internet, is the display of outdated webpages; most of the time, in fact, not only the browser is slower but you are having difficulties also in viewing the changes just made.Don’t panic! To overcome this problem that’s enough to clear the cache therefore forcing the program to download the latest versions of the most frequently visited web sites. What is the cache? The browser cache is a software or hardware component that isn’t immediately visible to the user which is used to st...
TAGs: #cache

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